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Leave Your Feedback

Please take a moment and tell us what you think about the quality of our services.

You can leave your feedback anonymously or leave your contact information as well. It will take less than 3 minutes to respond to the questions.


Thank you very much for your time and consideration! Your feedback will help us improve our care. 

Patient Feedback
1. Which clinic would you like to rate?
Please choose the clinic you would like to rate 
2. Which treatment would you like to rate?
You can choose one or more fields from the list below. 

3. How would you rate the quality of your dental treatment?

4. How would you rate the quality of the information you received to make an informed choice about the course of your treatment?

5. How would you rate the clinic environment?

6. How likely are you to refer us to your family and friends?

7. How did you learn about Indigo Dental Clinics?

8. Please leave your suggestions and comments in the box below. 
Patient Information

This feedback form is anonymous. You can leave your feedback without revealing your identity. 

Your email address: 


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